Strategic and Competitive Intelligence


The Department of Strategic Intelligence at MESiC aims to support countries and companies in implementing strategies for enhancing competitiveness through the ability to anticipate and make appropriate decisions that reduce the risk of failure and boostthe chances forsuccess. This is to ensure long-term survival (for companies), competitiveness, and sustainable development.


We propose to our clients to establish a monitoring cell within their organization (taking into consideration the methodology of data collection, processing, and analysis), which aims to protect sensitive data as well as the company's locations and assets. We also help our clients to implement strategies that guarantee the organization’s sustainable development and superiority over competitors.


Our services in the field of economic and strategic intelligence


1. Identifying promising investment opportunities;


2. Predicting potential variables and surprises and waysto deal with them;


3. Predicting the competitors’ behavior and movements, giving early warnings about competitive threats, and advising how to respond quickly;


4. Anticipating future consumer needs and market volatility;


5. Gathering and analyzing information that helps improve decision making and offeringit to customers in the form of dashboards;


6. Power-mapping economic and industrial zones, market players, institutional strength, and areas constituting a distinct destination for investment;


7. Identifying potential partners (private andpublic; import and export);


8. Supporting local and regional competitiveness (public sector);


9. Providing competitive intelligence for municipalities and local councils (public sector);


10. Providing competitive and strategic intelligence for businesses.